  • 毎週日曜10時半から礼拝を行っています。
    Holy Communion takes place at the church every Sunday at 10:30am.



教会創立から5年、聖堂献堂から3年が経ち、その感謝と喜びをともに祝うためフェスタを開催します。 インマヌエル・ …


インマヌエル新生教会の食料・日用品支援活動である「わかちあいマルシェ」の第13回目を10月5日(土)12時~1 …


「夕の黙想会」 テーマ:「テゼの祈り」 フランス東部ブルゴーニュ地方の地位様村「テゼ(Taize)」に教派を超 …


「夕の黙想会」 6月26日(水)19時~20時30分 テーマ:「イエスさまのまなざしを受けながら」 イエスさま …


インマヌエル新生教会の食料・日用品支援活動である「わかちあいマルシェ」の第11回目を6月1日(土)12時~14 …

Welcome to Immanuel Shinsei Church!



You will find our church in a quiet residential area, about six minutes walk from Ekota station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line (the church can also be easily reached from Kotakemukaihara station on the Yurakucho and Fukutoshin Lines). Worship takes place in the main chapel on the first floor. On the ground floor there are meeting rooms and a small chapel for private prayer. Access to all parts of the church is barrier-free.

About 80 people of all ages join our 10:30am Sunday services of Holy Communion (with sermon).

There is time for coffee and conversation after the services, Covid restrictions permitting. In the past, members of the congregation have stayed on at the church to eat lunch together and we hope that the public health situation will enable us to restart these lunches soon.

Immanuel Shinsei Church
Nihon Seikokai (NSKK) Diocese of Tokyo
The Nihon Seikokai (NSKK) is the Anglican-Episcopal Church in Japan

Address: 1-32-6 Kotakecho, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 176-0004
Tel: 03-3955-0682

The church is six minutes walk from Ekota station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line and seven minutes walk from Kotakemukaihara station on the Yurakucho and Fukutoshin Lines

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